Time line
- August 2022 - Initiation
Friday 12/8 at 14.00 o'clock. Initiation. About 125 people take part on a beautiful summer's day. Lisbeth and Ulla make a short speach about the 6 year old project. Fuzzy's fanfare is played. The 3 musicians are unveiled by the widow of Voldmester and grandchild, Henning and Per as well as Lisbeth and Ulla. The fanfare again. The mayor makes a speach of thanks. Nanna from the board makes a speach of thanks. The council hosts a buffet of cake and fizz. Solo artist Anna Lystbæk and sax player Kristian Svenningsen play. Thank you speaches by Lisbeth and Ulla. Fuzzy's fanfare is played to finish the arrangement.Update: Interviews for an article to The City of Sound, local TV and the art paper 'Kunstavisen' for a short portrait 24/9/22.
- August 2022
The council digs the holes for the precast concrete plinths by the site for mobile homes.Firma drills holes in each concrete plinth for the 4 stainless steel thread poles under each granite plinth.
The stonemason delivers the 3 heavy granite plinths and the 3 bronze sculptures. With the help of a crane, they are lifted one by one into place and secured.Henning, Per, Lisbeth and Ulla follow the action excitedly.
The following day the 3 bronze sculptures arrive, each weighing app. 60kg. One by one they are lifted carefully by crane onto their granite plinth and fastened and secured. Yes, they are perfect. They are covered until the unveiling the following day. - June 2022
Lisbeth and Ulla find extra resources for the last part of the finances. Meeting with the council to discuss the final stages of the project. Art disclosure Friday 17/6 postponed until 12/8 due to building regulations. Henning Elving's friend, architect Søren Vinter, prepares strength calculations for the foundations. Drawings of the placing of the sculptures are sent to the appropriate council department in Struer. The information sign for the sculpture arrives. (Designed and paid for by the daughter of Voldmester, grafic artist Mette Voldmester.) - May 2022
Lisbeth and Ulla find extra resources for the last part of the finances. Meeting with the council to discuss the final stages of the project. Art disclosure Friday 17/6 postponed until 12/8 due to building regulations. Henning Elving's friend, architect Søren Vinter, prepares strength calculations for the foundations. Drawings of the placing of the sculptures are sent to the appropriate council department in Struer. The information sign for the sculpture arrives. (Designed and paid for by the daughter of Voldmester, grafic artist Mette Voldmester.) - April 2022
Koda accepts, that we, as a volunteer society, don't have to pay duty on the music played on the website. The location decided by the local council: The sculpture can be places by the mobile home parking area on the harbour front. Another 2 funds are sought. Timelines, photos and other stuff for the website worked on and translated to English and German. - March 2022
The selection committee returns. The 4 possible locations in preferred order. 2 application for funds - rejection from one. 25,000kr. from Kirsten and Peter Bang Fund. Rasmus Brosbøl establishes a new website, www.de3musikanter.dk, which will also contain elements from the old www.struerkalender.dk - February 2022
We propose a couple of sights near the harbour in Struer. Rejected to local restrictions. A new proposal delivered and accepted by the local administration, awaiting acceptance by the office of technicians, environment and climate. Fuzzy delivers the new jingle/sound logo. We are happy and satisfied. He rejects the Koda license. - January 2022
Rejection for location at Bremdal Beach. 4 other locations proposed. We reject, as they don't live up to the aim of the project: To promote Struer as the City of Sound. - December 2021
The famous Danish composer Fuzzy is contacted to write a piece of music for the website. Fuzzy accepts the challenge to compose a small piece with 3 instruments: Trumpet, clarinet and drums! Donations are found, to enable the proceeds from 130 calendars to go to Struer Red Cross for Christmas charity. - Autumn 2021
Several participants now join to finish the piece of art by Voldmester. Offers invited: 3-D scanning and milling of the 3 sculptures in polyfoam: 42,500 kr.!! - Price for casting 110,000kr. + surface treatment, assembly and transport. Bronze has gone up by 50%!! - We have to find another 50.000 kr. - July 2021
A friend of Voldmester, the artist Henning Elving Hansen, is contacted. After an agreement from the family of Voldmester, we are allowed to finish the sculpture with the help of Henning as a consultant. We are lucky to have the 3 small models, so the final sculptures can now be finished. - June 2021
The Mayor replies and thanks us for the gift. The sculptor Henrik Voldmester suddenly dies. We are deeply touched and in chock. He did not manage to finish the sculptures nor the models in polyfor, which should have been used for the final sculptures. - May 2021
We inform the Mayor of Struer, Niels Viggo Lynghøj, in writing, that we wish to donate a piece of art to Struer. - Spring 2021
Voldmester visits Struer several times trying to find possible locations for the sculpture. Several meetings and correspondence with the local council to establish conservation areas, beach protection lines and planning permissions for chosen sites. Put on hold until the autumn. - January 2021
Voldmester delivers the 3 proposals for "the 3 musicians". They are accepted. - December 2020
We pay a visit to the sculptor Henrik Voldmester in Husby. 3 sculptures in bronze of seahorses playing the trumpet, clarinet and drums. Price100.000 Danish Kroner. A contract is frown up. - December 2019
Donations found to enable the proceeds from the sale of 75 calendars to be donated as part of The Church in Struer's Christmas charity. - 2019
The calendars and CD's continue to be sold at many occasions by us as well as others. - June 2018
The 100 year jubilee for Struer as a market town is celebrated. The new song about Struer, written by Lisbeth with texts by Claus Klok, is sung by opera singer Lars Oluf Larsen from 'Operaen I Midten.' The recordings are broadcast in Denmark's Radio, whose Vocal ensemble by Philip Faber also performs in The City of Sound. - December 2017
The music is made public at a big event at the school of music. We inform about the music and watercolours. Live music by the choirs. The CD with the music is made public. The website is updated. - Autumn 2017
The society "Passing of the year and life with art and song" is established. We now have a CVR number. 12 songs are recorded by 8 local choirs at the Struer school of music. The CD is produced. Lisbeth is in charge. The calendar is sold everywhere locally. - July 2017
An account is set up for the economy and sale of calendars. Ulla is in charge. The calendars are finalised, and delivered to 60 companies and 10 shops. - June 2017
The calendar is in the making. - May 2017
The content of the calendar is now set up digitally. A website with the calendar's content in Danish, English and German is in the making. www.struerkalender.dk - Spring 2017
160.000 Danish kroner is collected from 60 companies, who pre ordered the calendars, or helped to sponsor 2500 calendars. This included grafics, printing, website and recording songs for the CD and website. - Autumn 2016
Watercolours are found and painted. Suitable songs are found and composed. The use of texts for the 12 localities are found amongst the locals. Struer Museum describes the history of the localities. - July 2016
The idea, for the Struer Calendar " Passing of the year and life with art and song", is born and drawn up. Several meetings.