The Struer calendar

From 2016 to 2022, musician / composer Lisbeth Simonsen and watercolor painter Ulla Kobberup Brosbøl collaborated to have a Struer calendar printed and sold: "Life & the year's passing with art & song", which was to promote Struer as "The City of Sound".

With Ulla's 12 watercolors, the eternity calendar was to show the municipality's beautiful places. For each location, there is a photo and a citizen's description of how he / she enjoys the place. Furthermore, the history told by the Struer Museum.

For each month's watercolor, Lisbeth made a piece of music that was sung by a soloist, a children's or adult choir + musicians from all over Struer municipality. (In total, about 400 people participated).


The numbers on the map show the places, where the watercolour paintings are made. Number one is January etc.

  1. Kilen
  2. Jegindø
  3. Venø
  4. Struer Havn
  5. Bremdal Strand
  6. Tambohuse, Jegindø
  7. Humlum Fiskerleje
  8. Hjerm mod Struer
  9. Draget
  10. Jeppes Led, Toftum Bjerge
  11. Grisetå Odde, Oddesund
  12. Vejrum Kirke